Ralph Müller-Eiselt

Forum Bildung Digitalisierung e. V.


Ralph Müller-Eiselt has been executive director of the Forum Bildung Digitalisierung since October 2023. Previously, he held various positions at the Bertelsmann Stiftung since 2010, where he most recently headed the "Megatrends" and "Digitization and the Common Good" programs. He was instrumental in founding the forum as an association in 2017 and has since been involved in its programmatic orientation and strategy development as a member of the working group and the general meeting. Before joining the Bertelsmann Stiftung, he worked for the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, the Executive Board of Leuphana University Lüneburg and the Stifterverband, among others. Ralph Müller-Eiselt has many years of experience as a lecturer at the Hertie School and the German Foundation Academy, among others, and is involved on a voluntary basis in the Berlin School Inspectorate. As a speaker, interview partner or guest author, he is a sought-after expert on participation, equal opportunities and the digital transformation in education. His books "The Digital Education Revolution" and "We Humans and the Intelligent Machines" have helped shape the discussion about the impact of algorithms and artificial intelligence on education and society.

Photo credit: Ansichtssache_Britta Schröder